Location: American Legion Post #70 Saratoga Springs, NY

  Meeting Date:  December 15, 2004


WWII Sub Vets were asked to stand and be recognized. Walt Bydairk and Ray Koch were applauded.

The Base Secretary reported there was a quorum present.  The minutes of the previous months meeting have been either mailed or e-mailed to the members and therefore the reading of these minutes of was waived. A motion was made by Ray Koch and seconded by Walt Bydairk to approve the minutes.

The Base Treasurer’s report was not available and therefore the reading of this report was waived.

Base Elections

CDR Singleman called for nominations from the floor for any Base Officers positions. No nominations were made from the floor so in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order the Secretary cast one ballot for all unopposed candidates. The Base Officers for the coming year will be as follows:

Base Commander – Bob Ondek

Sr. Vice Commander – John Cook

Jr. Vice Commander – Mike Stoneback

Secretary – Jim Irwin

Treasurer – Fred Carlson

Reports on Standing Committees

George Gasser requested that all Convention committee members have their thank you letters completed as soon as possible. George also requested the plaques for the Saratoga City Council and Tourism Bureau be presented in a timely fashion and with proper decorum.

George pointed out the fact that Prestwick Chase has not yet sent their donation check for the American Flags. The Base Secretary agreed to send them a letter to remind them of their commitment.

Old Business

A large table has been filled with food and clothing that Base members have donated to the Homeless Action Shelter in Albany. These donations will be made in the name of Michael Coene, the homeless man who is a SubVet. CDR Singleman thanked everyone for their generosity and agreed to deliver the items to the shelter.

George Gasser suggested that a Base Member who is also a WWII should be included as member of the

Base Executive Board. There was general agreement among Base members and since the makeup of the Executive Board is provided for in the Base By Laws, George agreed to propose an amendment to the By Laws to make this happen.

New Business

Bob Ondek passed around a copy of the USS Irex newsletter that included articles on the 2004 Convention

A motion was made and seconded that the Base donate $25.00 to the Toys-for-Tots program sponsored by the NY State Naval Militia.

CDR Singleman displayed the certificate the Base received from the Groton Base for our participation in the Thanksgiving program.

There being no further business, CDR Singleman led the base in the Creed of the USSVI and the meeting was adjourned.

After the meeting was over we all enjoyed a nice catered dinner prepared by Base member Tom Ondek and watched a video of the Convention Parade that was produced by Bob Ondek.

The next regular meeting will begin at 7:00 on January 19, 2005.  This meeting will be held at the American Legion Post 1450 on Grooms Road, Halfmoon, NY.

Submitted by:
Jim Irwin
Albany-Saratoga Base
Pride Runs Deep

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