Location: American Legion Post #1450, Halfmoon, NY

Meeting Date:  February 18, 2004


WWII Sub Vets were asked to stand and be recognized. Walt Bydairk was applauded.

Base members and guests stood and introduced themselves and the boats they served on.

The Base Secretary reported there was a quorum present.  The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was waived and motion was made by John Cook and seconded by Walt Barden to approve the minutes as published. 

The Base Treasurer gave his report and reminded members that dues for 2004 are due. The bank balance for the Base at this time is: $1141.91.  A motion was made by Walt Barden and seconded by John Cook to approve the report.

Old Business

The Commander reported that the Convention Committee was meeting every week or every other week depending on people’s schedules.

New Business

George Gasser proposed that in an effort to recruit active duty naval personnel to join our Base that we should wave Base dues for the first year of their membership. It was pointed out that dues were determined by our Base By-Laws and although many people agreed with the idea the By-Laws would have to be amended to have that take effect.

There being no further business, the CDR led the base in the Creed of the USSVI and the meeting was adjourned.

The next meeting will be on March 17, 2004. The regular meeting will start at 6:30 PM, which will be followed immediately by the convention meeting at the American Legion Post 1450, Grooms Road, Clifton Park, NY.

Submitted by:
Jim Irwin, Secretary
Albany-Saratoga Base
Pride Runs Deep


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