Location: American Legion Post #1450, Halfmoon, NY


Meeting Date:  January 21, 2004



WWII Sub Vets were asked to stand and be recognized. Walt Bydairk was applauded.


Base members and guests stood and introduced themselves and the boats they served on.


Nichole Cleveland from Royalty Services, Inc, a professional fund raising organization gave a talk on how her company could assist the Base with fundraising for the Convention and have the Convention yearbook published. After her presentation there was discussion among the members as to whether they wanted to do fundraising on their own or use a fundraiser. Nothing was decided at this time.


Bob Ondek inducted the Base Officers for 2004.


The Base Secretary reported there was a quorum present.  The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was waived and motion was made by Fritz Feldhaus and seconded by Bob Ondek to approve the minutes as published. 


The Base Treasurer gave his report and reminded members that dues for 2004 are due. The bank balance for the Base at this time is: $2460.55.  A motion was made by Walt Barden and seconded by Tom Glenn to approve the report.


Old Business


The Storekeeper reported that there are Holland Club Certificates and pins for longevity available.


The Commander reported that Bruce Mitchell will remain COB. He also reported that the Tolling of the Boats Ceremony will not be held in April this year due to the fact that if falls on Easter Sunday. It will be rescheduled for a future date.


New Business


A reminder was given that today (January 21, 2004) is the 50th Anniversary of the Nautilus.


George Gasser advised base members that there was a provision in the new Patriot Act of New York State to make all military pay tax exempt. Members were urged to contact their State senators and assemblyman to support this.  There is also legislation to make NY State Veterans exempt from paying tolls on NY State toll roads and bridges.



There being no further business, the CDR led the base in the Creed of the USSVI and the meeting was adjourned.


The next meeting will be on February 18, 2004. The regular meeting will start at 7:00 PM, which will be followed immediately by the convention meeting at the American Legion Post #70, Saratoga Springs, NY.


     Submitted by:       Jim Irwin, Secretary

                                    Albany-Saratoga Base

                                    Pride Runs Deep




In accordance with Base By-Laws Article VI section 3 the following members are in arrears:


Larry Benson Sr.

John Boulias

William Fyvie

Kellogg Humphries

Richard Leonard

Joseph Nokes

Chad Stodden

John Waechter


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