Meeting Date-March 15,2006
1. The regular meeting of the Albany-Saratoga Base was called to order at 1900 by CDR. Cook.
2. The muster list for attendance was passed around for all to sign. There were 25 members present.
3 . The Base Chaplin offered an opening prayer.
4. There was a Pledge of Allegiance of the Flag and the Bell was tolled for Boats lost during the month of March.
5. All members stood and introduced themselves and the boats they served on.
6. All WWII veterans were asked to stand and be recognized. Ray Koch and Walt Bydairk stood and were applauded by all present.
7. Base secretary reported that there was a quorum present.
8. Treasurer’s report was given and accepted by Bob Ondek and seconded by Al Singleman.
Old Business:
1. Jim Irwin reported that an application for the Mark14 torpedo to be installed in our museum
needs to be applied for and the cost is $20.00. Jim asked the membership for the money, and it was decided to give to him.
2. Bob Ondak applied for Certificate of Not-For-Profit Corp. from the State.
3. CDR. Cook acknowledged thanks to all whom returned the survey pertaining to our meetings.
New Business
CDR. Cook mention that we would possibly have our July meeting with a cook-out, our Sept. meeting with a brunch and our usual Christmas party in Dec.
The Flag Day parade with the Elks was reminded to us. Keep it in mind.
Al Singleman mentioned
possibly marching in a Support The Troops parade in Wilton on May 20th
Suggestion was made and accepted
to have the 50/50 raffle go to $5.00.The added money will go to buying snacks
for the meetings.
CDR. Cook mentioned dues
being paid on time for both the local and national USSVI
Fritz Feldhaus mention
that the Ship’s Library will be open ½ hour before the meeting.
After a short break we
were honor to have our associate member, Joe Buff, give us all an update on the
new Submarine Navy, with a interesting tour of the OHIO [SSGN]726.
The Creed of USSVI was
recited by all and the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 P.M.
The next meeting will
begin at 7:00 P.M. on April 19 @ the American Legion Post 70 in Saratoga
Springs, N.Y. [The planned Brunch on April 22 has be cancelled]
Submitted by : Bill
Albany-Saratoga Base