Albany-Saratoga USSVI Meeting 

Date May 17, 2006


The regular meeting of the Albany-Saratoga Base, USSVI, was called to order at 1900 by CDR Cook.

The muster list was passed around for all to sign. There were 19 members and 1 guest present.

The base Chaplin offered the opening prayer.

The Pledge of Allegiance of the Flag was recited by all.

The Tolling of the Bell was sounded for the Boats and the crew lost during the month of May.

All WWII veterans were asked to stand and be recognized. Ray Koch stood and was applauded.

Base secretary reported there was a quorum present.

Treasurer's report was given and was accepted by Bob Ondek and seconded by Al Singleman.

CDR Cook mentioned that we would be involved in three parades before our next meeting and asked for as much support as we can give. These parades are as follows:

1-Armed Forces Support Your Soldier - May 20 - Wilton, NY, 2 - Memorial Day, May 24 -Saratoga Springs, NY, 3 - Flag Day, June 10 - Saratoga Springs, NY,

CDR Cook mentioned that he would try to e-mail as many members as possible to get the word to the ones not in attendance tonight.

The building of our float was discussed and CDR Cook is getting down the final list of materials needed to get started with.

Bob Ondek mentioned the torpedoes that could be gotten in New York State, thus saving us lots of shipping cost money. One is at Camp Sampson and the other is at Camp Smith. Mike Stoneback is checking on the availability of them.

Treasurer Fred Carlson asked everyone present to check base information to be sure that it is correct.

Jim Irwin said the USSVI National is growing so fast and so big that the information is sometimes being transferred incorrectly. So if you can't make the meeting just send Fred an e-mail with your information so that he can double check it with his records.

Our latest Holland Club member, John D. Cornell was inducted into the club by Jim Irwin. Congratulations from all of your shipmates at Albany-Saratoga Base.

CDR Cook surprised us all by bringing in a birthday cake with the USSVI emblem across the whole top of the cake. CDR Cook let us know that our base is now six years old and growing.

After a break and some birthday cake, we resumed our meeting. Jim Irwin asked for any news items for the upcoming newsletter. (Things such as birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, deceased’s, and of course any sea stories you might have in your memories, they seem to get bigger as you get older). Contact Jim or CDR Cook with any news items. Jim has done a great job with his first issue and with some help from his crew mates; he can continue to do a better job.

The Creed of USSVI was recited by all and the meeting was adjourned at 2100.

The next meeting will begin at 1900 on June 21 @ The American Legion Post 70 in Saratoga Springs, NY.


Submitted by:

              Bill Preece

             Secretary, Albany-Saratoga Base-USSVI

             Pride Runs Deep

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